Empirical Nonsense

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Currently I am working on NatureUntitled, a project which assumes a world in which only images of nature are available to people in order to experience nature. I aspire to create a mixed reality installation, which seeks to evoke and simulate an embodied experience of being-in-nature by using diverse images of nature, its elements and natural processes of (endangered) habitats as components. The project aims to create an ‘insider’ awareness of nature, whereby the interplay of chaos and order rules. 

For this project I collect, analyze, categorize, take apart, link, (re-) combine, juxtaposes, intertwine, a wide variety of images of nature, sourced from art (my own and others) and science. These collections are merged with light and sensorial materials into an installation. At this moment I am in the experimental and collecting phase, for which I received a project grant from the Mondriaan Fonds in the Netherlands. 

The work shown here is part of a pilot project called ‘StillWaterWatching’, in which I used an auto-tracking video camera to record the habitat of various sources of water aiming to visualize what water might ‘see’ and ‘experience’, not unlike how scientists use auto-tracking cameras to record wild-life. The images are stills taken from the videos, which you can see here: vaveha@vimeo.com and vaveha@instagram.com. They were part of an installation (slide-projection and videos) shown at the Science Gallery Detroit (https://detroit.sciencegallery.com/depth-exhibits/still-water-watching).

I am a Dutch visual artist, whose work is based in lens/light-based media, incl. photography, video, traditional photo methods and computer-generated images.  I have lived, worked and studied publication arts and photography in The Netherlands, the USA and Belgium. I have exhibited my work internationally, as prints and as installations, both in solo as in group shows since the 1990’s. 

I am working on a new website, but you can see some of my older work here: https://issuu.com/hannekevanvelzen