With the constant barrage of daily news reports, foreshadowing the possibility of the END of days, Empirical Nonsense will attempt to bring some inspiration and hope with END.
Empirical Nonsense Daily is a project that provides daily servings of art for 365 consecutive days. As of August 1st 2020, END will bring a broad view of the arts, including such disciplines as writing, poetry, film making, performing, acting and music. Each day is dedicated to a different artist. The project comes to an end on July 31st, 2021 and a month later it will be followed by a book documenting the 365 days of END.
END offers artists a platform to express themselves and engage with the viewing public every day, seven days a week.
1. Artists are invited to submit a proposal for a one day project.
2. Should an artist wish to obtain several days in a row (one week maximum), daily change is still required. A clear reason would need to be provided, explaining why the consecutive days are needed for the concept of the project.
3. Several submissions by one artist are accepted.
4. Submission to END is open to all. Those who submit a proposal are not guaranteed to participate in END. The decision will be made based on a number of factors.
5. Artists can have a slide show of images of their work, use the platform as a blog, present an interview (them being interviewed or them interviewing someone else), publish images of artworks that they find important, artists that influence(d) them, use video, work together with another artist (all disciplines), use some or all of the above combined, ….